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Board and Staff

The Kinsley Library provides quality resources and services,
innovative programming, and extensive local history information
to anyone seeking to satisfy their curiosity, creativity, and
lifelong learning needs. 

The library is governed by a seven member board of trustees
appointed by the Kinsley City Commissiton four year terms.  The board
keeps records, determines library budget and policies, and monitors
the finances.

2024 Kinsley Library Board

Chair:              Kathleen Keller
Vice Chair:   Lynette Anderson
Secretary:     Leann Hirsh
Treasurer:     Fran Jarvis
Members:     Mike Padgham
………………   Bill Keenan
………………   Lisa Ebert

Kinsley Library Staff

Director              Joan K. Weaver
Librarian             Yaneth Holguin
Library Clerk      Nelda Castillo