The Kinsley Library has excellent resources for research in Edwards County genealogy and local history. Many resources are digitized and available on-line linked to the pages below. We can help you discover your ancestors or explore the local history. If you cannot find what you want on-line, email us and we will help you as time permits. .
Microfilm searches are $1.00 each whether emailed or mailed USPO. Photocopied print documents are 25 cents per page plus postage with a minimum fee of $1.
Birth Records
Marriage Records
Burial File & Cemetery Records
School Records
Church Records
Local History
Other On-Line Kinsley & Edwards County Resources
Many of the local history resources could not have been possible without dedicated volunteers. Our sincere appreciation goes out to Rosetta Graff who retired in 2019 after 47 years. She was a font of knowledge and dedicated to making it accessible online. Thanks also goes to the following people in alphabetical order: Julie Ackerman, Don Benish, Sally Bidleman, Ed Carlson, Wilma Couchman, Beverly Craft, Virginia Gleason, Rosetta Graff, Mary Graff, Lucy Herrmann, Sandra Jasper, Carol Mathews, Bette Ryan, Maxine Shaffer, Nancy Weidenheimer, Joan Weaver, Eula Westphal, Kevin Wetzel and Ray Wetzel.