
Author's posts

You are invited to an art exhibit

You are invited to reimagine the Kinsley Depot

You are invited to imagine Kinsley

Preschoolers invited to library

Winter Book Discussion


On Facebook Keep up to date with everything that is going on at  the library… NEW BOOKS PROGRAMS TO ATTEND StoryWalk® BOOKS On the Library Blog “From the Library Archives . . .” Telling “our” story is an important mission of the Kinsley Library.  Our files and resources contain unique stories of the people who …

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The Blog is Back

Telling “our” story is an important mission of the Kinsley Library.  Our files and resources contain unique stories of the people who lived here and the events that happened here.  We hope you make discoveries, relive memories,  and maybe are as amazed as we are by the people and the events that have shaped our …

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Walk Down Memory Lane

CLICK HERE to view the reunion StoryWalk® panels which highlight some dedicated Kinsley teachers and a few memorable events.  Note that digital copies of most KHS annual are accessible in the Genealogy and Local History Section on the School Records page.

Join a Book Discussion

The Celebration Continues

                    REGISTER FOR THIS EVENT BY CALLING THE LIBRARY, 620-659-3341 CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK HERE to listen to our patrons reading and commenting  on the poems in “Words of a Feather“.