Category: Archive

Early Literacy Workshops

                                FOR MORE INFORMATION, CLICK HERE EN ESPANOL, CLICK HERE Registration Closed.

All Together Now – Celebrate 150!

Summer Reading is About to Begin!  Come in and Register. Reading begins May 23  –  Click here for full schedule.  

Come Celebrate Children’s Day

Upcoming NEA BIG READ discussion

An Evening of Ukrainian Poetry

For complete information Click Here

Mystery Book set on the Chippewa Reservation

Winter Book Discussions

NEW App for the library

It’s Easy to Love a Library

Find out more by clicking here.


Not a Box by Antoinette Portis is the 2022 choice for Kansas Reads to Preschoolers We’ll be celebrating on Tuesday, November 8 with the USD 347 preschoolers during library story hour at the library.   A box is just a box . . . unless it’s not a box. From mountain to rocket ship, a …

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