“On the Lighter Side” Theme for TALK Series

Sometimes all you can do is look at life and laugh.
That’s what this fall’s Kansas Humanities TALK book discussion series author’s do.  Plan on joining these lively Tuesday night discussions.  Books can be checked out at the library.

We had a lively discussion with Dana Waters on September 19.

November 14:  Walking Across Egypt
by Clyde Edgerton with Discussion Leader, Dr. Galen Boehme.
For more information about books and presenters, CLICK HERE

The series is sponsored by the Kansas Humanities Council (KHC), a nonprofit cultural organization, as part of its Talk About Literature in Kansas (TALK) program.  KHC is furnishing the books and discussion leaders for the TALK series.  For more information about KHC, visit www.kansashumanities.org.