Thad Beach presented “Postcards from the Dust Bowl” to the 7th and 8th grade English classes of Kinsley-Offerle Schools. They developed fictional characters who wrote three postcards about the drought, Black Sunday, and when the rains came back. Scroll down to see the cards and read the messages.
Character: Becky
I am 22 years old and live in Kinsley. I work at J.C. Penny’s. My daughter, Molly, stays with my sister Jane while I work. My husband works for the railroad and only comes home one day every two weeks. My best friend is Ruth.

April 14, 1935
Dear John
Palm Sunday started out great. After Molly and I got out of church, we headed home. Ruth and Joline were coming over to play cards. Before the second hand started, I went to go check on the girls and I see this huge black dust cloud coming. It was terrifying. It was pitch black outside all day. How was your Easter Sunday?
Character: Frank Mitchell
I am 16 years old and live with my parents 1 mile north of Kinsley on my parents’ farm. I work in the grocery store in Kinsley. I work for a little but sometimes the owner lets me have the old vegetables.

Aunt Mary
Everyone here got the best crops we’ve gotten in years! I got a raise at the store and dad completely paid off the car. With this much money we’ll be able to fill up the whole field. Hope things are just as well there. Most of the dust is gone here!
Character: Katelyn White
I am 21 years old and live in Kinsley, Kans. I live on my own on the edge of town. I work as a photographer for the news paper. My older brother Alex is 22 and we are really close. We like to send letters to each other. He is married and expecting a child. His wife lives down with my parents while he works down at the railroad.

Dear Brother Alex,
As I was getting pictures for the newspapers, I was scared of the storm would get me. I saw a child that could not find her way to her parents so I helped her get back on track. When she was safe, I decided to go on home. How was the storm for you, brother?
Character: Jill
I am 25 years old and live on a farm with my husband Jack and my 4 year old daughter Jackie. My brother Tim and his wife Lillian moved to California because his wife is pregnant and about to give so they moved away from the dust.

Dear Tim
The rain has started to come down from the dusty sky. We grew pepper grass and but the cattle wouldn’t eat. So we grew some sugar cane, so the cattle could eat. The roots broke up the soil and the ground absorbed the rain. Has Lillian given birth yet?
Character: Albert Rogers
I am 19 years old. I live northwest of Ardell, Kansas in a small farm house. I work for George Benish, Sr. on his farm northwest of Offerle. He bought a new Allis-Chambers tractor. I might get to drive it. My wife, Mary Ann, and I have a son named jack who is 3 months old. I have a sister, Abigale, who lives in Kinsley and works at J. C. Penny’s. She is 23 years old.

Dear Abigale
How much rain did you get in Kinsley? Mr. Benish got 5 inches. He said that we’re gonna have a wheat crop next summer if the moisture keeps up. Then he can finish his payments on his tractor. Mary Ann, Jack, and I are doing better than ever.
Character: Stan Davies
I am 22 years old and a banker in the City Bank in Kinsley Kansas. I live with my wife and my year-old son. My father left to go work for the army. My mother is a teacher at the school.

April 15, 1935
Dear Joe,
We were walking home from church yesterday when suddenly a huge storm hit. It was totally unexpected because earlier yesterday it was bright and it felt good outside. But by the time we got in the Model T the storm was already behind us. The storm chased us all the way home and we barely could put up the sheets before it hit. Everything was pitch black. We could barely see each other even though we were side by side. Was it that bad in Washington D.C., Joe?
Stan Davies
Character: Fauna Mae Conner
I am 12 years old. I live on the farm right outside Kinsley with my mom and dad and my two older sisters who are 16 and 14. My brother Phillip moved away because he got a job fixing machinery. My older sister is getting married next week and moving out of state.

To my dear brother Phillip
Did you hear the news? Last Sunday during that huge dust storm, a fellow was on a road and didn’t realize it and was hit by a Model T. How are things up in Nebraska? Is work going good?
Fauna Mae
Character: Mary Lou
I am 24 years old. I live in a small apartment in Kinsley. I am a beautician at Maxi’s. My husband works on a farm north of Lewis. My child is 5 months old.
My sister Reeta just went to Oklahoma City for a job as a nurse.

April 14, 2015 Reeta Sunday morning we went to church. After we went home for Sunday dinner. Then we saw the black cloud of dust. We hung the sheet and I put Sarah Lee in the crib and covered her. It’s like we are in a dust depression. We’re fine now. Are ya’ll alright down there in Oklahoma City? Mary Lou
Character: Peter Scott
I am seventeen years old and live in Kinsley with my two older brothers. I work at a tire shop and bakery. Our dad just moved to Denver, Colorado for a better job.

April 15, 1935
Dear Dad
We had the worst of all dust storms last night. I was outside sitting on a chair waiting for brothers to get home. The wind grew stronger and the dirt was hitting my face. A couple hours later the sky was dark black. You could not see a thing. Brothers didn’t get home till the next day due to the storm. I hope you’re doing well. Bye
Character: Benoni Reeder
I am married land live in Kinsley. I am 32 year old and am the sheriff. My deputy is Charles “Shorty” Davis. He died of dust pneumonia, and his wife is now my wife. I pretty much live at the jail house. My father is in Dodge City trying to make a living and my mother is dead.

April 14, 1935
Dear Shorty
Father is getting better. Should be back in a couple of days. Today a dust storm hit. It was horrible. Did it hit you? Is everything going good around town?
Character: Billy
I am 26 years old and live in a one-story house in Kinsley. I work at Max’s as a barber. I’m a retired military officer after being shot in the leg, tearing ligaments that never healed. My wife is Daisy and we have a 2 year old son. My brother-in-law Jack left to go to the military. Mom died last year of dust pneumonia.

Dear Jack,
I heard that a dust storm hit your base. Hope you made it out all right. Danny and Daisy are doing great. I got trapped at work last night by the dust storm. Hope you come home soon. Sincerely,
Character: Sadie Lynn
I am 21 years old. I live in the country outside of Kinsley. I work and help my husband on the farm. I also stay at home with the baby who is 8 months old. My friend just recently moved away with her husband who just got a job.

April 15, 1935
Dear Sally,
It’s April 15, 1935. I just want to inform you that we survived that big dust storm that hit us yesterday. It was a nice beautiful day and I was taking the baby for a walk. A cold wind came. I ran back home in a short matter of time. I shut the door and then t just hit faster than you could turn your back. How is everything there? Love,
Sadie Lynn
Character: Emily
I am 17 years old and live in Kinsley with my mom Erika and my sister Abby who is 12. I have a 24 year old brother, Bob, who is in the Navy. I work in the tractor supply store. I work around the house and I help my grandpa a lot.

Dear Bob,
I was at home helping our grandpa. About noon we saw a dust storm coming. I was scared because I could get dust pneumonia. Grandpa and I were outside. I decided to give grandpa my cloth to put around his face. We are OK. Mom said Hi. We miss you. I really love you, Bob.
Character: John McGraw
I am 20 years old and live on a farm 3 miles north of Offerle, Kansas. I am trying to grow wheat and raise Hereford Cattle on my grandpa’s old farm which I inherited. I live with my wife pregnant Jessie and our German Sheppard, Bessie. My farmhand left for a better job in Kinsley working the tractor store. My brother Sam left to join the Army Air Corps.

April 14, 1935
Dear Sam,
We just got through the worst Palm Sunday I think in history. The storm was blacker than my coffee. The wind was cold and heartless. I hope this drought will end soon. Did you go through that storm?
Character: Ruth Hamilton
I am 28 years old and live in Kinsley. I am a lawyer at the Moffat firm. I live with my 6 year old daughter named Monica. My husband died three years ago of dust pneumonia. My brother Jack and his wife Ester moved to northern Kansas about a year ago for a job opportunity. My best friends are Becky and Jolene.

Dear Jack,
I was at work during the storm. I was very worried about Monica because she was at school. My secretary was helping me stay sane during the storm. The storm was hollering for hours. How are you? How’s Ester? I hope you guys are doing okay!
Character: Laura Lou
I am 14 year old and live with my mom, dad, and 9 year old brother on a farm in Edwards County. My family works on my grandfather’s farm. My brother and I go to school, but when it is busy on the farm we do not go to school. My boyfriend Mark just moved away because his dad got a job in Colorado.

April 14, 1935
Today we did morning chores very early so we could make it to church. After church we went and checked on the animals then went to Grandma’s. After dinner we went home and did evening chores. Then as we were doing chores a big black cloud of dust came. We all run to the house. We are all O.K. I’m glad you are settling in very well. How are you? Did the black cloud hit you? When are you coming back?
Laura Lou
Character: John
My name is John and I am 41 years old. I work on a farm 20 miles from Kinsley. I have a wife and two kids: a boy that is 10 and a girl that is 15. My wife’s mom and dad have just left to go to Texas to live.

Another storm hit. It was hard. We lost more cows. We started a garden. It did not last long. Our house has more dust in it. It is hard getting to town. The kids don’t like it. They don’t see their family much. They know why.
Your friend John
Character: Ben Shackle
I am 16 years old and live just north of Kinsley on a small farm. I live with and help my dad out at the farm where I get the eggs from the barn every morning. The rest of the family lives in town. I write to Jill, a friend from another county.

April 15, 1935
Dear Jill,
We had just got back from church and I had started on my chores when the whole farm went pitch black from the dust clouds. As the farm was getting covered in dust, I ran for the house as the storm chased me in. Did you get hit badly there in town? It really was a great day before it hit, before it was black.
Ben Shackle
Character: James
I am sixteen years old and live in downtown Kinsley. I work at the local barber shop on weekdays, and help my 30 year old father on the farm on weekends. I have a dog named Buster. My grandfather is very ill and in a hospital in Dallas, Texas.

Dear Grandpa,
We had a big dust storm while I was in the middle of a haircut. Thankfully, no one was hurt. Hope you’re feeling better.
Character: Charles “Shorty Davis”
I am 30 years old and live in Kinsley. I am a deputy under Sheriff Benoni Reeder. I live with my 20 year old wife Rachel and my 4 year old boy whom she stays home with. My fellow deputy has currently left Kinsley to become a marshal.

Dear Mr. Reeder,
It was April 14, 1935. I was patrolling the town when a black tsunami was heading for the town. I hurried back to the sheriff’s office and checked on the prisoners. And then it hit us like someone turned out the sun. How is your wife doing, Mr. Reeder.
Mr. Shorty
Character: Melissa White
I am 16 years old and live in Kinsley with my parents and sister, Anne, who is 2 years younger. I help my parents at the house and my mom at the hospital. My dad is a lawyer. We are moving to Texas where my aunt lives because of my dad’s work.

April 15, 1935
Dear Dad,
Yesterday I was doing my chores. Anne was outside when she saw the dust storm. She came funning to help Mom and I put tape around the windows. Anne turned the plates over. Then everything was dark. Soon it passed and we cleaned up. So dad, how are you doing in your work? Has my aunt cleaned the guest rooms for us?
Character: Fred
I am 22 years old and live and work on a farm 10 miles outside of Nettleton, 17 miles from Kinsley. I have a wife and two kids: one is two and the other is 3 months old. My wife’s sister just left with her husband for Colorado to mine gold.

April 15, 1935
Dear Bob,
We were on the way home. We had just left church. We had to get back to the animals. When out of nowhere a dust storm rolled in. The engine was fried and we were stranded. We stayed in the car till Monday morning. Did the storm hit you Bob?
Your brother Fred
Character: Annabelle Smith
I am 16 years old and live on a farm near Offerle, about 5 miles towards Kinsley. I live with my mom Edith, dad John, and little sister Mae who is 5. I have to milk the cow, feed the chickens, and hang the clothes on the clothesline. I also have an older brother Charlie but he left to study photography in Nebraska. He hopes to travel the world and be a very well-known photographer.

Dear Charlie,
Today was the best day ever! We were just ot home from church and me and Mae were putting the cloths on the lie. I not5iced a dark cloud headed our way. I thought it was another dust storm, so we gathered the clothes but I felt a drop of rain. Mom came outside to help us then it starts pouring. We were drenched within minutes. Then my mom and Mae started dancing in the rain. Have you gotten any rain lately?
Character: Stephanie
I am 14 years old and live in Kinsley. I live with my parents and brother and work as a clerk at the store. My sister Amy moved to Offerle to become an actress.

Dear Amy,
How have you been? Are you doing OK? It rained here, not very much. It’s still dry though. I hope it rains again. Did it rain there? I hope you’re doing alright.
Character: Rin Merlin
I am 21 years old and live in Kinsley. My husband Max is 25 years old and my two kids are a 3 year old boy and a 1 month baby girl. I work as a policeman. Sometimes I’m out of my house and can’t spend much time with my family. At least my kids have a good babysitter, Anney. My husband works at the railroad. He has been gone for a while now.

Dear Mom,
We are doing fine. Max hasn’t come home yet. Oh I hope he’s doing Okay with the railroad job. How have you and dad been doing? The farm alright? My kid Johnny has a new friend from school. Can’t wait till my little girl grows up. The dust storm’s been bad. How about over there? Rin
Character: Brooke
I am 25 years old. I live in town with my mom, dad, and little sister. I work at the bank. My brother Dave and my sister-in-law moved to Denver from Kinsley last week because he got a new job.

Dear Dave,
That’s good that everyone is OK. Yes, my job is fun. I work in the offices. My mom and dad are OK after the dust storm. How’s your job going.
Character: Jolene Miller
I am 24 years old and live in a small house in Kinsley by myself. I am a teacher. I left my family in Missouri and moved to Kinsley.

Dear Mom and Dad,
You wouldn’t believe how many dust storms we have had in Kinsley! I’m still well and breathing but other people are struggling. I help people every chance I can get. I also have been teaching my students to do so as well. Hope to see you soon!
Character: Libby Thorne
I am 20 years old and live with my husband Jackson Thorne in Kinsley. He is 25 years old. He works as an actor. I also have a 1 year old baby girl, Arika, and I am 3 months pregnant. I am a newspaper journalist and I work for the Mercury newspaper. I have 5 bestest friends: Holly West who is my best friend and Jackson’s little sister, Amy Kinder, Maria Sanchez, Carrie West, and Ashley Kinder. I don’t get along with my mum and pops (It’s a long story.) Holly moved to Colorado for a new fancy job. I miss her very much.

April 16, 1935
Dear Holly,
I could not believe that a day so beautiful could end up so terrifying and tragic like April 14th. I/m sorry about baby Max having dust pneumonia. Jackson hasn’t left for an upcoming show. I really miss both of you. He is supposed to be coming back tomorrow. How is Kale?
Character: Charles
I am 20 years old and life on a farm by Kinsley with my wife and my kid, Luke. I am a farmer. I ploy fields and raise livestock. My grandpa has moved away and became and a blacksmith.

Dear Grandpa Sam,
I was plowing a field when I saw a dust storm coming towards the farm. I let the horse loose and ran to put him in the barn. I barely made it into the house when it hit. What it like there, Grandpa?
Character: Aalihay
I am 22 years old and live in Kinsley. I work as a nurse. I just started my career about 4 months ago. I live on my own right now as I am concentrating in being a great nurse. I used to live with my sister Carla. She is 21 but she had to leave because she got offered a job.

April15, 1935
Dear Carla,
How are you? How is your job going? Over here in Kinsley Kans we had a terrible storm on Sunday. I heard over where you live you also had a storm. Well, Mom, dad and I are all just fine. I hope you are also fine. Hope to hear back from you!