Oral History Index

Oral Histories in the Kinsley Library Collection in alphabetical order and linked to webpage access.

NAME                                 CLICK ON COLLECTION LINK

Agnew, Elwood……………………Patterns of Change
Airgood, Dorothy………………..Patterns of Change
Anderson, Mark………………….Veterans & Others
Bagby, Marcia………………………1965 Flood
Anderson, Beverly………………Tractorcade
Arensman, Peggy………………..Tractorcade
Bartman, Kenneth……………….Patterns of Change
Brodbeck, Buford………………..Patchwork of Dependency
Brodbeck, Buford………………..1965 Flood
Burkhart, Harold…………………1965 Flood
Burr, Doug…………………………….1965 Flood
Butler, Leona………………………..Patterns of Change
Carlson, Maribel………………….Patterns of Change
Carney, Kay…………………………..Patchwork of Dependency
Castaneda, Frank………………..Patchwork of Dependency
Coats, Bea…………………………….Patchwork of Dependency
Coats, Gordon……………………..Patchwork of Dependency
Derley, Lester………………………Tractorcade
Dill, Jay………………………………….1965 Flood
Dupree, Kenny…………………….1965 Flood
Dupree, Kenny……………………..Patchwork of Dependency
Fatzer, Fred………………………….Freedy Johnston
Fox, Mary………………………………Patterns of Change
Frame, Sally………………………….Patterns of Change
Froetschner, Cordelia………..Patchwork of Dependency
Gaines, Kenneth………………….Patterns of Change
Gatterman, Norma……………..Patchwork of Dependency
Gleason, Marty……………………The Dust Bowl in Edwards County
Gleason, Melvin………………….Rodeo Recollections
Gleason, Ronnie…………………Rodeo Recollections
Gleason, Ronnie…………………Rodeo Recollections
Gleason, Virginia………………..Patterns of Change
Gleason, Virginia……………….1965 Flood
Hattrup, Catherine……………The Dust Bowl in Edwards County
Herrmann, Gilbert…………….Patchwork of Dependency
Jensen, Earl………………………..The Dust Bowl in Edwards County
Jones, Dolores…………………… Tractorcade
Kallaus, Mary………………………Patterns of Change
Kallaus, Robert……………………Patterns of Change
Katz, Vernon………………………..Veterans & Others
Kennedy, Norma………………….Patterns of Change
Kersting, Jack………………………Patterns of Change
Kersting, Marilyn………………..Patterns of Change
Kindsvater, Dennis……………..Patterns of Change
King, Keith……………………………Patterns of Change
King, Marcile……………………….Patchwork of Dependency
Kinsley 1965 Flood……………1965 Flood
Lancaster, Wilma………………..Patchwork of Dependency
Mann, Henrietta…………………Presentation Video and transcript
Mathes, Susan……………………1965 Flood
Mayhew, Donald & Betty….Patchwork of Dependency
McBride, Earl………………………Patchwork of Dependency
McBride, Fern…………………….Patchwork of Dependency
McKinney, Judi………………….1965 Flood
McLean, Evelyn………………….Patchwork of Dependency
McLean, William………………..Patchwork of Dependency
Mead, Jeff……………………………Patchwork of Dependency
Mead, Jeff……………………………Tractorcade
Miller, Darrel……………………..The Dust Bowl in Edwards County
Miller, Darrel………………………Rodeo Recollections
Miller, Darrel……………………..Tractorcade
Miller, Jack…………………………Patchwork of Dependency
Miller, Karen……………………..Tractorcade
Mowrey, Jim……………………..The Dust Bowl in Edwards County
Mowrey, Jim …………………….1965 Flood
Mundhenke, Boyd……………Patterns of Change
Negley, Thelma…………………Patchwork of Dependency
Newsom , Donna……………..Patterns of Change
Offerle Flood……………………Offerle Flood
Olsen, Bill………………………….Patterns of Change
Parker, Welton…………………Patchwork of Dependency
Ploger, John……………………..1965 Flood
Rapp, Virginia…………………..Patchwork of Dependency
Riisoe, John J……………………Mosaic
Rincon, Pat………………………..Mosaic
Rodriguez, Carmen…………. Patterns of Change
Roenbaugh, Jake………………Patchwork of Dependency
Ryan, Marvin…………………….1965 Flood
Scheufler, Edward…………….Patchwork of Dependency
Scheufler, Edward ……………Tractorcade
Scheufler, Marjory …………..Tractorcade
Scheufler, Paul…………………..Patchwork of Dependency
Schinstock, Mary Ellen……Tractorcade
Schmidt, Jake……………………The Dust Bowl in Edwards County
Schmitt, Charles………………The Dust Bowl in Edwards County
Schmitt, Charles………………1965 Flood
Schnoebelen, Margaret…..Patterns of Change
Sparke, LeRoy……………………Patterns of Change
Stack, Robert…………………….Patchwork of Dependency
Stapleton, Jerry………………..Tractorcade
Taylor, Cordelia…………………Patchwork of Dependency
Tiemann, Eric…………………….Veterans & Others
Titus, Jean…………………………..Patchwork of Dependency
Titus, Jean………………………….Tractorcade
Tvrtkovic, Ivo …………………….Mosaic
Weidenheimer, Bob………….Patchwork of Dependency
Weidenheimer, Nancy……..1965 Flood
Wheaton, Alvin……………….. Tractorcade
White, Emily ……………………..Patterns of Change
Wolf, Jack …………………………Tractorcade
Woolard, Irene ………………..Patchwork of Dependency